Table of Contents

Asymmetric Bridge

Asymmetric Bridge is a data transfer and caching system for creation of effective studio pipeline.

It was originally developed as an inhouse tool of the Asymmetric VFX studio and is now developed/maintained by the R&D Group.

Software versions

Import / Export Features

Features List

Features Table

           Polygon mesh  |  UV  | Polygon mesh animation | NURBS | Transforms | Visibility | Camera
Maya           I/E         I/E            I/E               I/E       I/E          I/E         I/E
Softimage      I/E         I/E            I/E                -        I/E          I/E         I/E
Houdini         I           I              I                 -         -            I           I
3ds max        I/E         I/E            I/E                -         -            -          I/E
Cinema 4D       I           -              I                 -         -            -           -
Nuke            I           I              I                 -         -            -           I

Legend: “I” - Import; “E” - Export; “-” - not implemented; “d” - in development


Product Registration Manual




Maya Menu Setup

Enable BridgeMenu plugin to see the menu or add bridgeImportUI() and bridgeExportUI() function calls to your own menus.

Maya Export

 Maya export

Maya Import

 Maya import


Houdini Shelf Setup

Extract scripts to the desired location and create a new shelf item. Use this as an example of Script value of a shelf item:

import os
import sys

bridgeToolsPath = os.path.expanduser("/path/to/bridge/houdini/scripts")
if bridgeToolsPath not in sys.path:

# Native Houdini UI
import bridgeImportUI

Note that when using native UI you must select import folder without double-clicking, just mark it as selected like this:

 Houdini native UI selection

If you want to use PyQt UI change import to this:

# PyQt UI
import bridgeImportQtUI

 Using PyQt UI

Houdini Import

 houdini import


Softimage Export

Softimage Import

 softimage import

3ds max

3ds max Setup

3ds max Import

Cinema 4D (in development)

Cinema 4D Import


Nuke Import

 nuke import