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en:start [2013/03/02 20:03]
en:start [2014/05/14 07:05] (current)
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-  * [[en:asymmetric-bridge|Asymmetric Bridge]] +{{description>Official iCube R&D Group products' manuals. Here you can find documentation and manuals for all products developed by iCube R&D Group.}} 
-  * [[en:madcar|MadCar]] +====== Plugin Manuals ====== 
-  * [[en:citytraffic|CityTraffic]] +  * [[en:asymmetric-bridge|Asymmetric Bridge]] is a data transfer and caching system for creation of effective studio pipeline. (not released yet) 
-  * [[en:autowrinkles|AutoWrinkles]] +  * [[en:madcar|MadCar]], This plug-in is for wheeled vehicle simulation in 3DS Max, including motorcycles and other vehicles with any number of wheels, and with any of their mutual arrangements. 
-  * [[en:splineland|SplineLand]]+  * [[en:citytraffic|CityTraffic]], is the plug-in for 3DS Max which helps to create car traffic flow on the roads and off-roads. 
 +  * [[en:splineland|SplineLand]], is a plugin for 3DS Max that helps to generate topographically accurate terrains from a set of splines
   * [[en:multiscatter|MultiScatter]]   * [[en:multiscatter|MultiScatter]]
-  * [[en:vrayscatter-maya|VRayScatter for Maya]] +  * [[en:vrayscatter-maya|VRayScatter For Maya]] 
-  * [[en:vraypattern|VRayPattern]] +  * [[en:vraypattern|VRayPattern]] allows you periodically multiply geometry without extra memory consumption. 
-  * [[en:vraypattern-maya|VRayPattern for Maya]]+  * [[en:vraypattern-maya|VRayPattern For Maya]]
-====== Demo reel ======+====== Demo Reel ======
-{{ youtube>jDdsvyr3U_Q?large }}+{{ youtube>qkcyBp5igQQ?large }}